General rules from the club's constitution
(latest revision January 2012)
1 The club will be called: Southborough and District Wheelers with registered colours of red,black and yellow.
2 The Purposes of the Club
The purposes of the Club are to promote the amateur sport of cycling in the West Kent region and community participation in the same area.
3 Permitted means of advancing the purposes
The committee has the power to:
a Acquire and provide grounds, equipment, coaching, training and playing facilities, club house, transport, medical and related facilities
b Provide coaching, training, medical treatment, and related social and other facilities
c Take out any insurance for club, employees, contractors, players, guests and third parties
d Raise funds by appeals, subscriptions, loans and charges
e Borrow money and give security for the same, and open bank accounts
f Buy, lease or licence property and sell, let or otherwise dispose of the same
g Make grants and loans and give guarantees and provide other benefits
h Set aside or apply funds for special purposes or as reserves
i Deposit or invest funds in any lawful manner
j Employ and engage staff and others and provide services
k Co-operate with or affiliate to firstly any bodies regulating or organising the Sport and secondly any club or body involved with it and thirdly with government and related agencies
l Do all other things reasonably necessary to advance the purposes. Where there is any conflict between any of the above Rules (“key Rules”) and any other rule or rules, the key Rule(s) will take priority. Interpretation of all the Rules must be consistent with the statutory requirements for Community Amateur Sports Clubs as first provided for by the Finance Act 2002.
4 Membership
a Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
b The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
c The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct, or character, or rule infringement or inappropriate behaviour, likely to bring the Club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to an appointed panel consisting of club members.
d All Applications for membership must be made on the official application form accompanied by the subscription due.
e Members shall be admitted as First, Second, or Associate membership as decided by the Committee on receipt of the application. A First claim member of 15 years of age and over shall be entitled to all Club privileges. Those members who have not attained their 15th Birthday by the date of a General Meeting will have no voting powers at that meeting but will be entitled to all other Club privileges. A Second claim member shall not be allowed to compete for Club Trophies or take racing awards. Associate members (defined as Non-riding members, and / or their partners or family) shall have no voting powers.
f First Claim members with a minimum of 5 years continuous first claim membership may be eligible for Life Membership, election to which shall be subject to the following procedure: Nomination(s) to be made by two first claim members only at the Annual General Meeting of the Club. Confirmation to be by a two thirds majority of all members present and entitled to vote.
g Members that partake in Club runs, Club Time Trials, or ride an event where they disclose their membership to S&DW must have valid Third Party Insurance with a minimum level of cover being, whilst riding a bicycle, whilst racing, provides no less than £10,000,000 indemnity, and provides Legal Assistance.
h The Annual Subscription for Senior (aged 18 and over), Junior (Aged 16 to 18), Youth (aged under 16), Second Claim and Associate Members shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting. Such subscriptions shall become due on the 1st March each year.
i In the event of a Member resigning membership or having it terminated by the Committee that member shall within 7 days of the Committee's acceptance or decision return to the Club all perpetual trophies and/or Club property which he or she may be holding. Once paid, subscriptions will not be refunded either in full or in part.
j Any member who has not paid his or her annual subscription by 1st April of the current year shall cease to be entitled to the privileges of membership. Any member who has not paid his or her Annual Subscription by 1st May of the current year shall have the non payment reported to the Committee by the Treasurer and the Committee shall have the power to remove the person from membership.
k Persons making first contact with the club after 31st August in any year shall be entitled to membership on payment of half the annual subscription for that year. Persons making first contact after 30th November shall be entitled to membership to the end of the following year on payment of a full year's subscription.
l Non members co-opted to assist in any capacity at a club time trial by the relevant promoter shall be deemed, for the duration of the event, to have full club membership unless he/she is already a member of a CTT affiliated club
5 Affilliation
The Club shall be affiliated to “Cycling Time Trials” (CTT), “British Cycling” (BC) and all road and racing events shall be conducted under their rules. The Club shall also affiliate to such other bodies as agreed by members at a General Meeting of the Club. The appointment of delegates to affiliated bodies shall also be agreed at the same meeting.
6 All General Meetings
a All members may attend all general meetings of the Club in person.
b Such meetings need six weeks notice to members.
c The quorum for all general meetings is at least 20 voting members within 30 minutes of the time for which the meeting was called. If such attendance is not achieved the meeting shall be adjourned for at least 21 days and then those present shall form a quorum.
d The Chair or (in his or her absence) another member chosen at the meeting shall preside.
e All motions affecting the General and Racing Rules put before General Meetings must receive a Two Thirds majority of those present and voting. Any other motion may be carried by a simple majority cast on a show of hands.
f Formalities in connection with General Meetings (such as how to put down resolutions) shall be decided by the Committee and publicised to Club members.
7 Annual General Meetings (AGM)
The Club will hold an AGM in December every calendar year. Six weeks notice of the meeting shall be given to each member by the Secretary. All motions for the agenda shall be given to the Secretary at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting. Each member shall be given a copy of the agenda 2 weeks prior to the meeting. At every AGM:
a The Members will elect a President and 3 Vice Presidents from Senior Members with a minimum of 5 years membership. The President will hold office for 3 consecutive years. Vice Presidents may be re-elected annually subject to their written acceptance for their nomination.
b The Members will elect a Committee with the following membership to serve until the following AGM: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Time Trial Secretary, Road Race Secretary, Club Run Secretary, Cyclo Cross and Off Road Secretary, Youth Development Secretary, Communications and IT Secretary, Welfare Secretary, Social Secretary, Clothing Secretary and four riding members;
c The Treasurer will produce accounts of the Club for the latest financial year audited as the Committee shall decide. The Club's financial year shall be from 1st October until 30th September.
d The Committee will present a report on the Club's activities since the previous AGM;
e The Members will appoint suitable persons to audit the accounts; and
f The Members will discuss and vote on any resolution (whether about policy or to change the Rules) and deal with any other business put to the meeting.
8 Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)
An EGM shall be called by the Secretary within 14 days of a request to that effect from the Committee or on the written request of not less than 6 first claim members signed by them. On receipt of such a request the Secretary shall within 1 week of such receipt call a meeting giving not less than 7 days notice at a place decided upon by the Committee or in default by the Chair. Such notification of the meeting shall contain the reason for the convening of the meeting. No other business shall be dealt with at the meeting.
9 The Committee
A: Role
Subject to these Rules the Committee shall have responsibility for the management of the Club, its funds, property and affairs.
B: Property etc
i. The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules.
ii. The Club may provide sporting and related social facilities, sporting equipment, coaching, courses, insurance cover, medical treatment, event expenses, postevent refreshments and other ordinary benefits of Community Amateur Sports Clubs as provided for in the Finance Act 2002.
iii. The Club may also in connection with the sports purposes of the Club:
a Sell and supply food, drink and related sports clothing and equipment;
b Employ members (though not for riding) and remunerate them for providing goods and services, on fair terms set by the Committee without the person concerned being present;
c Pay for reasonable hospitality for visiting teams and guests;
d Indemnify the Committee and members acting properly in the course of the running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club (but only to the extent of its assets).
iv. The Committee will have due regard to the law on disability discrimination and child protection
C: Composition etc
i. The Committee members may co-opt club members (up to the maximum permitted number) to serve until the end of the next AGM.
ii. Any Committee member may be re-elected or re-co-opted without limit.
iii. A Committee member ceases to be such if he or she ceases to be a member of the Club, resigns by written notice, or is removed by the Committee for good cause after the Member concerned has been given the chance of putting his/her case to the Committee with an appeal to the Club members, or is removed by club members at a general meeting. The Committee shall fairly decide time limits and formalities for these steps. iv. Four of the above including at least one riding member shall form a quorum.
D: Committee meetings
a Whenever a Committee member has a personal interest in a matter to be discussed, he/she must declare it, withdraw from that part of the meeting (unless asked to stay), not be counted in the quorum for that agenda item and withdraw during the vote and have no vote on the matter concerned.
b The Committee may decide its own way of operating. Unless it otherwise resolves the following rules apply:
c Committee meetings shall be held face to face;
d The Chair, or whoever else of those present choose shall chair meetings;
e Decisions shall be by simple majority of those voting;
f A resolution in writing signed by every Committee member shall be valid without a meeting;
g The chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
h The Committee shall meet at least 6 times a year.
E: Delegation etc
The Committee may delegate any of their functions to sub-committees but must specify the scope of its activity and powers; the extent to which it can commit the funds of the Club; its membership; its duty to report back to the Committee. The Committee may wind up any sub-committee at any time or to change its mandate and operating terms.
F: Disclosure
Annual club reports and statements of account must be made available for inspection by any member and all club records may be inspected by any Committee member.
10 Amendments
a These Rules may be amended at a general meeting by two-thirds of the votes cast but not (if relevant) so as to jeopardise the Club’s status as a Community Amateur Sports Club as first provided for by the Finance Act 2002 and not in any event to alter its purposes (unless the procedure set out in 10 (b) has been followed) or winding up provisions.
b The Club Purposes may be changed to include another eligible sport if theCommittee unanimously agree and the members also agreed the change by a 75% majority of votes cast.
11 Winding up the Club
a The members may vote to wind up the Club if not less than three quarters of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened general meeting.
b The Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding up of the Club’s affairs.
c After settling all liabilities of the Club, the Committee shall dispose of the net assets remaining to one or more of the following:
i. To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a charity and/or
ii. To another Club with similar sports purposes which is a registered CASC and/or
iii. To the Club’s national governing body for use by them for related community sports.
R1 Club events shall be held in compliance with the rules and regulations of the appropriate racing body to which the Club shall be affiliated.
R2 Club events and entry fees (including season ticket price) shall be decided and approved for each season at a general meeting of the club, or as decided by the committee. NOTE Season tickets must be purchased before the club event season or no later than the conclusion of the first club event of the individual concerned.
R3 Riders entering before the closing date specified by the Committee, and whose names appear on the Start Sheet are eligible for both scratch and handicap awards. Club Members not having preentered but having reported to the time keeper before the start of the event may compete for scratch awards only.
R4 Members of other clubs may ride a Private Time Trial within a Club event at the discretion of the Organiser, on payment of the full fee. Second Claim members may only ride Private Time Trials.
R5 Any member owing fees to the Club shall not be eligible to ride in Club events or place to place attempts.
R6 The Club reserves the right to refuse an entry.
R7 The minimum number of entrants for any Club Event shall be five.
R8 All Club Events shall be scratch and handicap with the exception of Hill Climbs, and Team Time Trials, which will be for Scratch awards only.
R9 Incomplete Teams in Club Team Time Trials may combine to form a new team which shall Start at the time of the later member's starting time.
R10 The Racing year shall be from 1st November to 31st October of the following year.
R10.1 The Best All Rounder shall be decided by the fastest average speed over 25, 50, 100 miles plus 12 hours.
R10.2 The Ladies Championship shall be decided by the fastest average speed over each rider's best two events at both 10 miles and 25 miles.
R10.3 The Junior Championship shall be decided by the fastest average speed over each rider's best two events at 10 miles and 25 miles.
R10.4 The Veterans BAR shall be decided in accordance with the age standards of the VTTA over 10, 25, 50, 100 miles.
R10.5 The Club Senior 10 mile and 25 mile Championships shall be awarded to the fastest SDW rider at a single nominated event, on a ‘Q’ or ‘G’ course, chosen annually by the Club Committee.
R10.6 The Club Senior 50 mile and 100 mile Trophy’s, shall be awarded to the SDW rider with the fastest time, in a racing year, at the respective distance. The 50 mile Trophy shall be restricted to events on ‘Q’ or ‘G’ courses only.
R10.7 The Junior Ladies Championship shall be decided by the fastest average speed over each rider's best three events at 10 miles.
R10.8 The Youth Championship shall be decided by the fastest average speed over three 10 mile events.
R10.9 For any Junior or Youth Championship, only performances on Southern Road (G and Q Courses) shall count.
R10.10 The Road Race Trophy shall be awarded to the 1st claim member who has obtained the highest number of British Cycling points between 01 December and 31 October of the relevant year, irrespective of which category and in which region such points have been obtained. In the event of two or more riders obtaining the same number of British Cycling points, the Trophy shall be awarded to the member obtaining the most points in the higher category. If the most points obtained by two or more members are equal from matching categories, the Trophy shall be awarded to the member with most wins.
R10.11 The Road Race Championship and Criterium Championship shall be awarded to the highest-placed club rider, in the respective Championship. The respective Championship events shall be chosen annually by the Club Committee.
R10.12 The club event 10 mile handicap competition will be awarded to the rider who gains the most handicap points over a seasons club event 10 mile promotion
R10.13 All Club Road Race competitions are eligible only to riders whose British Cycling membership is registered with the club, and who remain members of the club until the presentation of the prizes at the Annual Dinner. Should the winner of a competition leave before this date, the Club Committee shall decide whether the prize is awarded, and if the prize is awarded, to whom shall receive the prize.
R10.14 A working rear light shall be used by all competitors in club time trials.
R11 In any of the Competitions where only one rider completes all the qualifying distances he or she may only claim the trophy if a certain standard is attained. The standard shall be set by the Club Committee at the beginning of the Club racing year.
R12 Definitions: Youth – any member who has not reached his/her 16th Birthday on the day of the event. Junior – any member who has not reached his/her 18th Birthday on the day of the event. Veteran – any member who is 40 years of age or older on the day of the event.
R13 A complete list of Club Records or standards shall be kept by the Racing Secretary and the Recorder. The records shall be open for competition by first claim members of the Club at specified distances. Claims for Club records shall be, accompanied by the appropriate proof through the Racing Secretary to the Committee by the end of the year in which the record is set.
R14 Points will be awarded for Scratch and Handicap placings in Club Events for season long competitions. First place Scratch and Handicap points will range from 20 for first place dropping to 1 for twentieth place for each event regardless of the number of entries. To be eligible for prizes, riders must compete in a minimum of 10 events, with the best 10 placings to count for the competition. This number reducing to 9 when 3 or more events are cancelled in a season and to 8 when 6 or more events are cancelled. At the end of the racing year, the points in the Scratch and Handicap sections will be summed separately and awards made in descending order down to the placing equal to half the average field size that year. The values of these awards shall be based on the racing income and decided by the Club Committee at the end of the racing year.
R15 Claims for Club BAR Competitions, Veterans BAR Competition, Ladies, Junior, Junior Ladies, Road Race and Youth Championships and Club Trophy times shall be made accompanied by the appropriate proof (result sheets) through the Racing Secretary to the Committee within 7 days of the end of the racing year.